Sunday, June 8, 2014

Let's Get on Your Nerves!!!

Meet your Neurons! 

I know that sounds like an introduction to some galactic alien; in fact neurons even look a bit extraterrestrial..

Neurons are not aliens, though, they are your nerve cells.  Without them you would not move, breathe, feel, smell, see, taste, think, have emotions or any other function of living. 

In other words, you would not exist on any level
without these alien-looking cells.

Neurons are very clever and resourceful. To live healthfully, they depend on nutrition and a clean environment just like you and I.  When those requirements are not met or are deficient, neurons will adapt and compensate for as long as possible.  Eventually they will give up, go away or die.

The occurrence of neurological problems in 
today’s world is alarming!

From ‘foggy thinking’, forgetfulness and depression to severe neurological disorders such as Multiple Sclerosis, Alzheimer’s disease and Dementia – all levels of mental impairment have a profound impact on our daily lives and those around us.

The prospect of possibly losing mental and/or physical function strikes fear in most people.  It does not have to happen to you.  But you will have to look outside of the ‘conventional medical box’ to learn the true culprits behind neurological illness.

What is going on in our foods and our environment that is damaging the human nervous system?  How can we overcome the darkness of depression without a drug? Is there anything we can do to prevent neuro-degenerative conditions? 

The focus of medicine is Treatment.
The focus of Holistic Natural Health is Prevention.

Your physician can offer a prescription and/or treatment that can temporarily reduce neurological symptoms or delay severe disability.  However, prescriptions always involve side effects and the long-term use of nervous system drugs, especially, is highly questionable.

Let’s not get to that point, when there are so many
other choices we can make every day to heal our nervous system!

Health by Systems:101 - The Holistic Natural Health approach to neurological health will be the topic in this month’s New-trition by Carla’s Third Monday class on June 16th.  This is the fifth class in the series of eleven designed to teach you how to take Personal Responsibility for Personal Health. Become acquainted with your amazing Neurons and learn how to keep them happy!

Class details can be found on our website ( on the Class Schedule page under “2014 Class Schedule”.  As always, bring a friend and lots of questions!

We look forward to seeing you at class!

Carla & Ronnie 

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