Thursday, May 8, 2014

Pineal Gland to Gonads...

Hormones – “can’t live with ‘em; can’t live without ‘em

If that describes your relationship with your hormones, then don’t miss this month’s Third Monday Class on May 19th on the Endocrine System.  This is the fourth class in the Health by Systems:101 course in which you are learning about your incredible human body one system at a time. 

The Endocrine System is at the heart of holistic health!

This is where Mind/Body/Spirit/Environment all converge in the whirl of hormones coursing through your blood stream.  Hormones are known as “chemical messengers” and sometimes their message may leave you with a very negative outlook, even angry or depressed. Metabolism and energy go down while weight goes up.

What’s with that???!!!

This does not have to be an accepted “age-related” degenerative condition.  Age does matter, but chemistry matters more.  And remember that nutrients are biochemistry, so in this class you will learn what foods harm and what foods help your Endocrine System. 

From the pineal gland to the gonads

This Health by Systems:101 class will introduce your entire endocrine system and their intricate on-going tango in your body.  Emphasis, however, will be on the pituitary, thyroid, and adrenal glands and on the toxic effects of estrogen.

Many questions are being asked about these topics and, as usual, the medical perspective falls short and is often flawed.

“My TSH is normal, but I know I am low thyroid”

“Why can’t I lose weight?”

“I was told Bioidentical Hormone Replacement Therapy was
natural and would help my fill in the blank female issue”

“What does ‘estrogen receptor positive’ or
‘estrogen receptor negative’ mean?”

These are a few of the concerns and questions 
that will be addressed in this Endocrine class. 

Bring a friend and prepare to be amazed and enlightened!

We look forward to seeing each of you!
May 19th, 6:00pm 
Panera side meeting room on N. Kansas Expwy, Springfield, MO.  

Please visit our website for more information  
 email Carla with any questions!

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