Wednesday, November 12, 2014

Stay Well This Winter!!

Don't let this be you!!!

The Season is upon us, 
and I’m not referring to the Holidays!  

Now that sunlight is in short supply and we are cooped up inside with sneezing, coughing people, we face the dreaded ‘Cold & Flu Season’.

Health by Systems:101 Third Monday Class this month, Nov. 17th, will be on The Immune System! This bodily system is constantly at work protecting you and fighting unimaginable pathogens that find their way into your body on a daily basis.

What an ideal time to learn about your amazing Immune System and how to keep it strong this winter! You will be glad to learn that you can miss out on the usual sore throat, runny nose, cough, sinus infection, bronchitis, and worse, the flu.

This class will also discuss Autoimmune Diseases – why and how those diseases occur, and Natural Health approaches to prevent them or at least reduce their adverse effects.

Your Immune System really is your best friend! 
It is time to become better acquainted!

Class will be at Panera on N. Kansas Expressway at 6pm this coming Monday, 17th.  
Bring your questions and your friends for a great discussion on Staying Well this Winter!!