Wednesday, September 10, 2014

A Healthy Heart!!

Better late than never, right!!  If you thought maybe there wasn’t going to be a New-trition by Carla Third Monday class, I assure there will be!  I may be behind in getting this class announcement out, but I’m no less excited to talk about…

The Cardiovascular System

The Cardiovascular System includes your heart, arteries, capillaries and veins.  It is an amazing, complex system that transports oxygen and nutrients to every cell in your body, head to toe. This class will briefly explore the structure and function of the Cardiovascular System, but will focus on the many forms of heart disease.

Heart disease is quite prosperous for our medical system, but it can be devastating to our personal lives.  At best, a struggling heart and circulatory system causes fatigue and dysfunction.  The looming “silent killer” (essential or primary hypertension) frightens people, which just perpetuates high blood pressure further. 

What can you do NOW to maintain or regain a robust, healthy Cardiovascular System?  What does the heart need to beat regularly and strong?  How can you prevent “hardening of the arteries”?  What about heart attacks?  Why does blood pressure go up? 

We will have a great time talking about these questions and more!  You may find class location, time, etc.. on our website ( on the Class Schedule page.

Don’t miss this class in a heartbeat!