Wednesday, March 12, 2014

Love Your Liver!!!

 Better Late then Never…  I apologize this monthly newsletter is now 2 weeks late.  Hopefully it is not too late for you to mark your calendars and attend our Third Monday of the Month educational class!

Love Your Liver Day!!
Monday, March 17th may be St. Patrick’s Day, but it is also “Love Your Liver (& gallbladder day)”!  So wear your green to the 2nd of 11 Health By Systems: 101 presentations.  Class will start at 6pm and you’ll find us in the side room of Panera Bread, N. Kansas Expressway, Springfield, MO.  The class fee is the usual $5 per person. 

Your health and metabolism depend on this very important and often misunderstood biliary (liver/gallbladder) system.  We will discuss the many functions of these organs, how they work in tandem and some of the things that can go awry. 

How can you protect your liver?  How can you help your liver heal? Why has the liver traditionally been referred to as “the seat of anger”?  What about gallstones?  Do you really need your gallbladder?  What about liver and gallbladder cleanses?  These are a few of the questions that we will discuss.

Once you learn about this organ system, you will understand why your overall health is only as good as your liver is healthy!

We look forward to seeing you soon! 
Feel free to bring a friend!  
The more the merrier when it comes to health!

P.S. we have a few extra bottles of Miracle II soap available for purchase (email me if you want your name on one or two bottles)

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